Tokyo 2020 was initially delayed due to the Coronavirus pandemic and now the rearranged games later this year will be held without overseas fans or volunteers in attendance.
The games, which were due to be held in the Summer of 2020, will now take place in Japan from 23 July to 8 August whilst the Paralympics are due to take place from 25 August to 5 September.
The decision was made by the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Organising Committee whilst liaising with the International Olympic Committee and the Japanese government.
International Olympic Committee president Thomas Bach said he was ‘truly sorry’ but that the ‘first principle is safety’.
It will be the first time in the modern game’s history that overseas fans are not permitted and it is estimated that roughly 600,000 Olympics tickets and 300,000 Paralympic tickets will be refunded.
British fans accounted for 3,000 of those tickets.