FOOTBALL Sports News Women's Football

Football v Transphobia launch 2021 Week of Action

The Football v Transphobia 2021 week of action will be taking place from March 24-31, ending on Transgender Day of Visibility.

This is the third season that the FvT panel will be taking specific action on transphobia in the game.

RELATED: Football V Homophobia Youth Panel Launch 2021 Month Of Action

They will be active across social media, using their presence to amplify the voices of trans people in all aspects of football.

The campaigns purpose is to amplify the largely invisible voices of trans people involved in the game.

Why is there a need for a Trans week of action?

A survey done for Out on the Fields with LGBTQ+ people show the reason why there is a need for a week of action.

The findings show that nearly 90% of LGBTQ+ people believe homophobia and transphobia remain a current problem in sport.

Personal stories from trans and non-binary people also illustrate the need for a week of action.

Head of the campaign Natalie Washington (she/they) explains the importance of the campaign and why it’s so important to her and many other trans and non-binary people who have an active involvement in the beautiful game.

“The FvT week of action is an opportunity to highlight the difficulties trans & non-binary people often find when getting involved in football,” Washington explained.  “It’s also a great time to highlight our success, and to celebrate the way trans lives are enriched by involvement in the game, and how the game is better for having trans people involved in it.

 â€œIt’s also a great way to educate & inform allies on how they can make football a more inclusive place.   

How can straight (cisgendered) people support the campaign?

As a bisexual man (he/him), Sam Clarke emphasised the importance of supporting campaigns like this one.

Clarke said: “The aim of our social campaign is to let our trans friends just talk about what they love, and not always have to talk about trans issues.

To give you an initial flavour of what this year’s week of action could look like, here is the initial launch piece on the upcoming FvT2021 which is occurring at the end of the month.

“We want people to see that this is a common love we have, and a lot of these types of moments we share. Those are the things that are being taken away from trans people when they aren’t allowed to participate or aren’t made to feel safe.”

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